Wednesday, November 14, 2012

City Mouse or Country Mouse?

While I was on my daily run through the woods I started to think about what my walks a year ago in San Francisco looked like. My everyday surroundings now are about as different as they can be from my life in San Francisco.

People who meet me here in Sweden almost always ask the same question: "It is so different from San Francisco here, how are you doing it?” The answer is I do it all. I find it hard for myself to believe sometimes, but I have found out that I am not a country mouse or a city mouse. I'm a mouse that changes when change is needed, that's the brassiest kind of mouse there is, I assure you.

Before moving to Sweden I did second guess myself a lot; "Will I be ok being away from the ocean? Will I make any friends? Will I learn the language? Can I survive without Happy Hour in the city?” My feeling now is most of us can handle much more change in our environments than we think is possible. I think if more people stopped second guessing themselves when it comes considering a life change, more personal growth would happen for more people in much less time.