Monday, February 18, 2013

Everything I Love about Sweden on Ice

Just for an update of what is going on outside....more and more of what I like to call Swedish Summer on ice. The little village where I live year round comes alive during the summer because it has so many vacation homes and people who come to the lake to fish, swim and sunbathe. During the last part of the winter I start to think about what would happen if it became really hot suddenly. As soon as the ice thawed I could take the boat or swim to the Sauna that floats on the lake. The snow that has piled up on the picnic bench pictured would have melted and I could sit there again and have a fika with my friends.

To me the weather right now is the only thing keeping me from a number of things that I consider to be a part of living "The Swede Life". In order to get not so bummed about it I tell myself that it's ok, all the things I love about summer in Sweden are all still here, they are just on ice.

The good news is even though it is cold as hell, it looks pretty. All of you looking at this can enjoy the view objectively, without having to freeze your butt off like I did in order to take these photos.