Saturday, August 3, 2013

Dog and Dahlias

Today was so hot. I did little but give water multiple times to my some of the best gifts my husband ever gave me, my dog Peete and my many dahlias that are planted in the front yard.

They come in different colors and sizes but they all look wonderful together, just like they did on the tables at our wedding many years ago. Now they bloom in the front yard of our first home here in the southern Swedish countryside.They are so unapologetic, bright, bold and different, just like my husband and I.

Peete follows me like a shadow as I go out into the sun to water these rebel blooms throughout the day. He acts like he is helping me by smelling the blooms. Sometime I feel really bad that we don't have an actual job for him around the house, except for chasing flies and being adorable.