Today began at 11am. We crawled out of bed hungry so we ate Swedish Pancakes with blueberry jam and a healthy amount of coffee. My husband works in Malmo Monday through Friday so we really savor every leisurely moment of our weekends together.
After breakfast we thought it was only fair that we rewarded our dog with a long walk in the woods on the other side of the lake from our house.
Our dog Peete is the kind of dog that was made for country
living. He's not good on the leash and I am not sure he ever will be. When we
let him loose in the woods like we did today we can really see him in his
element. He runs and runs and then ends up sitting like a good dog at our side.
When he looks at us while he is still and sitting his eyes say, "Thank you
so much, I love you!"...
The forest is silent except for the numerous birds who are
greeting the spring that we were all waiting for. The ground is quickly being
covered by bright green moss and the sun peeks through the trees and warms our
cool skin. It looks like the winter is over!!!!