Friday, October 26, 2012

Fredag ​​Kväll Godis (Friday Night Swedish Candy)

Fredag ​​Kväll Godis (Friday Night Swedish Candy)

         First off, if you are an American reading this and you think you like candy, you have been enjoying some of the worst candy in the world. That’s right, American candy is all shit. I was never a candy person until I started to eat Swedish candy. I am not quite sure why, but the candy here is so far superior on every level. There are so many different types to choose from. They sell candy here in huge vats that take up an entire isle in every type of market. Sweden is a candy country.

        The bowl pictured here was a gift from my sister-in-law. It’s specific purpose is to carry all of my favorite candy and sit nicely on the coffee table in front of a movie on a cozy Friday night like this one. Mission accomplished.

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