Wednesday, November 7, 2012

"Life Is What Happens To You While You're Busy Making Other Plans"

"Life Is What Happens to You While You're Busy Making Other Plans"

From Beautiful Boy by John Lennon

I grew up listening to John Lennon and this line was always a favorite, but I never knew what a true statement it was until I stepped outside of the hamster wheel that was my life almost a year ago. It seems that while I was frantically trying to make a life for myself that looked good to everyone else in the "big city" I could never stop long enough to realize that I was not happy.

Today I can say that even though I am not yet at a place where I am totally satisfied or have fulfilled all of the goals I want to reach in my lifetime, I am now able to enjoy my everyday life as it is now.

"The Swede Life" for me means stopping to smell the flowers instead not noticing that I trampled all over them on my way to catch the train downtown.

Have a great day everyone and please remember to allow yourself to enjoy your life as it is now. I'm telling you all this so you don't have to drop everything and move to Sweden to figure this out like I did. But if you decide to make the move anyway...let me know so I can prepare some Fika for us!

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