Sunday, December 2, 2012

First Advent Temptation

Today all over Sweden people are celebrating the First Advent (first week in four weeks until Christmas). Every Sunday starting today and until Christmas we light one candle. Today has been great. My husband has been telling me all about the Swedish traditions for Advent and he gave me the Advent Candle Holder you see in the photo.He also made us some typical Swedish pastries to complete the occasion. If you have one of those buns, you’ll want another, trust me!

I have to admit I think it's great to be married to someone from another country besides my own; especially during the holidays. I think it's so refreshing that after ten years he is still able to show me new things every day.

We also walked out to the lake in the first real snow cover of the year. The landscape is so magnificent. The lake is already starting to freeze over in some parts, but not in others. You can see where is frozen and not by the amazing shapes made by the whole process. Sometimes it's nice to be able to look at the wonderful things that nature itself makes during this time of year. With all the
lights and presents we forget to enjoy parts of the season that are not man made.

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