Monday, October 22, 2012

Blue and White

 Blue and White 
I have a weakness for blue and white china. I especially love my collection of blue and white vases because they look different with each type of flower. During the winter months when there are no roses in the front yard or wildflowers in the meadow down the road, they look great empty as well. The little Japanese pitcher you see in the photos is my newest thrift shop find. When I am adding to my collection I don't look for anything in particular. I have seen so many different items with so many different interpretations of this classic color combination. The only requirement I have for items in my blue and white collection is that it must be fabulous. The quality and harmony between the white porcelain and cobalt paint must stop me in my tracks. Not all blue and white china does this for me, only a selected few make the cut each year.

 I think that my dog and my husband appreciate my collection as well.......

 Just not that much.........